Sunday, May 20, 2018


Hannah's Year Reflection

My year in Grade 5 was overwhelming,interesting and fun. I worked hard to accomplish my goals through all subjects and to show understanding throughout all my projects. At the beginning of the year i struggled in something's because i wasn't confident, throughout the year when i got closer to my teacher and class i believed more in myself. I thought that grade 5 was overall a blast i would always feel safe,entertained and welcomed. Throughout my year i learned so many life lessons that i will continue to use throughout all of my days i will carry all of them with me.
     I really enjoy writing this year, the highlights of writing for me was writing my fantasy story, researching for my argumentative essay and writing summaries in journalism. These were my highlights because each have an opinion and strong facts. My feelings towards writing were always FUN and now in grade 5 it gets more complex and challenging. However I still really enjoy it. The reason why writing is very fun and creative to me is that i feel like that is my best way to share my personal thought and feelings,to just share what is inside of me most importantly it
makes me feel like I have a voice that needs to be heard, writing isn't just essays it's also personality. Speeches, they always seem to have an opinion at some points which I think is the best part about them,this year I really enjoyed participating in the moving ceremony speech and giving out my true feelings about my elementary journey.
      I thought that reading this year was fun and sometimes challenging, we went through having bad jots to "gold jots" which are also called 4 star jots, making simple joys in articles throughout making mini pieces in books and making long writes about each jot. Making sure that our jot was not silver or bronze. Reading books and doing recommendations,choosing our favorite author, soon writing stories about each genre.
       Throughout eureka math my experience in math hasn't been that exciting. I haven't always been the kind of girl who loves math, in fact it's quite the opposite it took me time to understand what my teachers and parents were telling me "if you put your mind to it you can do it" what a big phrase, throughout fifth grade in math I found out it was true. I struggle in math at some points, and I know that but I realized that saying I am horrible at math doesn't help. I think that my favorite unit was fractions, I liked it because i think in that unit is when I really started believing in myself, all in all math is challenging but fun.
    I thought science was great this year, I learned so many things i never imagined would exist and I have successfully done my assignments. I enjoyed going through the scientific method and exploring different strategies and experiments. I enjoyed doing the wind and erosion experiments.

   In social studies, i enjoyed presenting different things, individually and with partners. It has been a great experience for me to read,write,watch and reflect on social studies and its historical mysteries.
  Core values have taught me so much in my years in CAC. I think the most of the people who attended elementary school in CAC had one core value that stuck up with them,perseverance. The CAC definition of perseverance is to “never give up and work towards your goal” this is such an inspiration because its a life lesson that everyone will carry with them. Another core value that we will remember always is integrity it teaches you to always say the truth if your in a horrible,rough and bad position don’t lie the CAC definition of "integrity"is "Always do the right thing even when no one is looking"

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